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2025-03-08 16:15
Darin Zanyar - peerlessdoctor, actor, lawyer or a singer医生,演员,律师或歌唱家why not president, be a dreamer为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人you can bejust the one you wanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人police man, fire fighter or a post man警察,消防员或者邮递员why not something like your old man为什么不像你老爸?you can be justthe one you wanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人driver, actor, lawyer or a singer司机,演员,律师或者歌唱家why not president, be a dreamer为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人you can bejust the one you wanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人I know that we all got one thing我知道我们都得到一样东西that we all share together那就是我们都在分享的we got that one nicedream 我们都拥有一个美好的梦想we live for我们为之生存you never know what lifecould bring你不会知道生活会给你带来什么coznothing last for ever因为没有什么能永恒just hold on to the team只是坚持住you play for你努力工作的团队I know you could reach the top我知道你会达到顶峰make sure that you won't stop确定你不会停下来be the one that youwanna be做那个你一直都想成为的人now singthis with me现在和我一起歌唱doctor,actor, lawyer or a singer医生,演员,律师或歌唱家why not president, be a dreamer为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人you can be just the one youwanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人policeman, fire fighter or a post man警察,消防员或者邮递员why not something like your old man为什么不像你老爸?you can be just the one youwanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人we mayhave different ways to think我们也许会从不同角度考虑问题but it doesn't really matter但这没关系we all caught up in the steam我们都被人生的一些所征服of this lifefocus on every little thing执著于每一件琐事that's what doesreally matter这才是问题所在luxurycars and bling金钱(奢华的车)和物质thats not real life那都不是真正的生活I know you could reach the top我知道你会达到顶峰make sure that you won't stop确定你不会停下来be the one that youwanna be做那个你一直都想成为的人now singthis with me现在和我一起歌唱doctor,actor, lawyer or a singer医生,演员,律师或歌唱家why not president, be a dreamer为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人you can be just the one youwanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人policeman, fire fighter or a post man警察,消防员或者邮递员why not something like your old man为什么不像你老爸?you can be just the one youwanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人lastyear I used to dream about this day去年我还在梦想着有这么一天now I'm here I'm singing for you现在这一切都实现,我将为你而唱I hope I could inspire you我希望我能鼓舞你的斗气coz I've got allthe love因为我得到了所有的爱coz I've gotall love for you我得到了你赐予我的所有的爱doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer医生,演员,律师或歌唱家why not president, be a dreamer为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人you can bejust the one you wanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人police man, fire fighter or a post man警察,消防员或者邮递员why not something like your oldman为什么不像你老爸?you can be justthe one you wanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人driver, actor, lawyer or a singer司机,演员,律师或者歌唱家why not president, be a dreamer为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人you can bejust the one you wanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人police man, fire fighter or a post man警察,消防员或者邮递员why not something like your oldman为什么不像你老爸?you can be justthe one you wanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer医生,演员,律师或歌唱家why not president, be a dreamer为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人you can bejust the one you wanna be你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 原问题:《求一首英文歌、第一句翻译过来好像是:“医生,演员,律师,歌手,你想成为怎样的人?”》
2022-12-20 15:10:04
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