“against”是prep.其用法如下: 1)表示“反对”、“违背”之意。如: ①They are strongly against the idea. 他们强烈反对这个意见。 ②Are you for or against my plan? 对于我的计划你是赞成还是反对? ③What have you done is against the law.你所做的事情是违法的。 ④Jane married Jack against her own will.简与杰克结婚,违背了自己的意愿。 2)表示“撞击”、“碰着”之意。如: ①The rain was beating the windows. 雨点拍打着窗户。 ②Tom hit his head against a tree in the dark.黑暗中汤姆的头撞在一棵树上。 3)表示“倚在”、“紧靠”之意。如: ①Place the ladder against the wall.把梯子靠在墙上。 4)表示“逆着”的意思。如: ①We are sailing against the wind.(with the wind表示“顺风”)我们的船正在逆风行驶。 5)表示“衬托”、“相映”、“对照”之意。如: ①Red flags stand out brightly against the blue sky.红旗在蓝天的衬托下显得分外鲜艳。 6)表示“防备”、“预防”之意。如: ①People are warned against pick-pockets. 人们得到告诫,要谨防扒手。 原问题:《against 是介词 吗?怎么用啊》
2022-11-15 14:41:25